Hey Partner!
...because together we can offer your customers something special.
It was a pleasure to meet you at ITB 2024 - and we are delighted that you found your way here. Let's create something special together!
We'd like to tell you a little more about who we are and what we do. Below we have put together information about the specific tours that we think are of interest to the tourism sector. You are also welcome to browse our website and discover the many other sustainable events we offer, such as litter picks and moving concerts!
Want to try before you buy?! Our quiz and custom tours are only bookable on request, but our disco and time travel tours take place every week! Click on the links, choose a date and enter your ITB promo code in the shop to get a free double pass.
to use the promo code:
- Select the tour you are interested in above.
- choose your favourite date.
- add 2 "Regular" tickets
- Click on "Place order"
- Enter your email and either create an account or not
- under "Total" you can enter a promo code
This is how we imagine a partnership...
For hotels, hostels and other fixed locations:
- You will receive a code that is specific to your location and can be used to book tickets for our events.
- Every time someone books a tour using your code, this is recorded and stored in our booking system.
- Each quarter we will send you a report of the total sales attributed to your tracking link and transfer the affiliate fee (with receipt) directly to your account.
- Affiliate fees can be discussed and adjusted depending on the size of the code and the ability to present other marketing materials (flyers, etc.).
- We can of course provide you with promotional materials such as flyers, brochures, QR code signs, etc.
For travel agents and other affiliates:
- We will provide you with an up-to-date list of all the experiences we can offer, along with press/info packs
- We will inform you about the minimum and maximum group size
- All costs are communicated transparently
- You can then incorporate these offers into your packages or offer them as stand-alone offers, with the option of adding a surcharge at your discretion.

Time Travel Tour
Weekly public tours
Group bookings on request
Participants are guided on a walk through the historic centre of Berlin. With the help of immersive 3D sound effects, they are transported back in time and experience history as it is being written.
Underground techno of the 90s in the Wertheim department stores', the daring escape of a young family to the West or hundreds of thousands of revellers chanting in unison...
Here's a flavour of what you can expect...
Number of participants: 8 to 50 (more possible on request)
Possible routes: Berlin city centre
Duration: 90 to 120 minutes
Disco Tours
Weekly public tours
Group bookings on request
For 3 years we have been dancing in the historic centre of Berlin, with all its magnificent buildings. World cultural heritage meets modern dance culture and fun!
In 90 minutes, an entertaining mobile DJ guides the group through the city, leading activities and flash mobs and awakening the inner dance hero in participants as they pass by some of Berlin's most iconic buildings.
It's something different. It's something new. It's simply fun.
Number of participants: 8 to 50 (more possible on request)
Possible routes: Museum Island, Government Quarter, or customised (for an extra charge)
Duration: 90 minutes
Silent Disco basic package
including DJ, technology, standard route, up to 90 minutes
Customise route
e.g. start at the office and end at the restaurant.
Customise music
for the creation of extensive playlists
Berlin Quiz
Group bookings on request
Visit the sights and learn more about Berlin's history while comparing your knowledge with your friends and family! Participants are taken on a guided tour of the city, stopping along the way to answer questions about the surrounding sights.
There are points to collect, prizes to win and lots of fun to be had.
From summer 2024.
No. of Participants: 8 to 30 (more possible on request)
Possible Routes: Berlin Mitte
Length: approx. 90 minutes
Quiz basic package
including quizmaster, technique, standard route, standard questions, up to 90 minutes
Customise route
e.g. start at the office and end at the restaurant.
Customise questions
Music Quiz
Group bookings on request
Participants are divided into teams, guided through the city by a quizmaster and take part in a mobile quiz show. Complete with jingles and sound effects!
Can you recognise the Beatles played backwards? What about Queen after just one second? How many notes do you need to recognise Britney Spears? Or do you only recognise hits by their lyrics?
That - and having fun, of course! - is what these quiz games are all about.
Number of participants: 8 to 30 (more possible on request)
Possible routes: Berlin Mitte, or customised (for an extra charge)
Duration: We recommend 90 minutes
Quiz basic package
including quizmaster, technology, standard route, standard questions, up to 90 minutes
Customise route
e.g. start at the office and end at the restaurant.
Customise questions
for the creation of extensive playlists
Warum silent.move und silent.seeing?
Wir alle wissen, dass Mundpropaganda die effektivste Form des Marketings ist. Punkt. Menschen hören auf Menschen. Aber Menschen brauchen eine Geschichte, die sie erzählen können. Menschen LIEBEN es, Geschichten zu erzählen. Wir helfen dabei, diese Geschichte zu entwickeln.
Alle unsere Touren und Erlebnisse wurden mit dem Kundenerlebnis als treibende Kraft entwickelt. Erlebnis ist alles. Und jetzt wollen wir diese Erlebnisse auch euren Kunden bieten.
Bei silent.move ist die Touchpoint-Analyse Teil unserer täglichen Kultur. Ein wirklich besonderes Erlebnis beginnt nicht erst mit der Tour - es ist das Lächeln bei der Ankunft, es ist die Buchung eines Tickets, es ist das Gefühl auf der Website. Die Kunden sollten sich während des gesamten Prozesses wohl und besonders fühlen.
Wenn ihr euch wirklich für eure Kunden interessiert und wollt, dass sie sich zu Markenbotschaftern entwickeln, kommt es nicht nur darauf an, was ihr tut, sondern auch, mit wem ihr zusammenarbeitet. Wir bieten mehr als nur Touren und Aktivitäten - wir bieten einzigartige Erlebnisse, die zu Geschichten werden, von denen man Freunden und Familie noch Jahre später erzählt.